Please join us for cross country skiing at 1:30 PM on Saturday February 5 at Great Brook Ski Touring Center
1018 Lowell St. Carlisle, MA 01741. Meet at 1:30 PM at the main entrance.
Directions: from Route 128, take Route 2 West. Exit at signs for Concord Center and continue to downtown rotary.
At Colonial Inn, take Lowell Rd North 5 miles to Carlisle Center. At Carlisle center rotary, turn left on Lowell St.
(following signs to Chelmsford). The ski touring center is 2 miles ahead on the right.
COVID considerations:.
Wear a face mask when inside the building. The building will only be open for tickets and rental. Payment is by
credit/debit cards, not cash.
If you plan on coming, please email Karen Lein: Sports@norumbegasofn.org by Friday January 28th, so she
knows who is coming.
If there is no snow, we will ski at Weston Ski Track. Karen Lein will send email to participants by Tuesday
February 1st to let people know where we will ski. If it is Weston Ski Track, you will need to reserve with the
ski area.
You can win a sports medal for walking, biking, skiing, swimming and a variety of other sports. Contact Karen Lein
or the website sonsofnorway.com