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Cross Country Skiing
February 20, 2021 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Please join us for cross country skiing at 2:00 PM on Saturday February 20 at Great Brook Ski Touring Center 1018 Lowell St. Carlisle, MA 01741. Meet at 2:00 PM at the main entrance. Directions: from Route 128, take Route 2 West. Exit at signs for Concord Center and Continue to downtown rotary. At Colonial Inn, take Lowell Rd North 5 miles to Carlisle Center. Turn left on Lowell St at Rotary (following signs to Chelmsford). The ski touring center is 2 miles ahead on the right. website:
Great Brook Ski Touring Center tel: (978) 369-7486.
COVID considerations:.
Wear a face mask. The building will only be open for tickets and rental. Payment is by credit/debit cards, not cash.
If no snow, meet at Weston Ski Track tel: (617) 965-5110. Check the Great Brook website to see if it is open.
IMPORTANT: Email Sports@norumbegasofn.org If you will join us for cross country skiing and we will know to watch for you..
You can win a sports medal for walking, biking, skiing, swimming and a variety of other sports. Contact Karen Lein or the website :