NOTE: Please notice the day and time change for January through March Cultural Meetings. We switch to Sunday afternoons, at 3:00, for these three months to allow for daytime driving.
Our January meeting is a chance for you to come and support our newly elected officers as they get formally installed into their positions. Supporting your lodge leadership may seem mundane but it is actually very important to show our support for them. We also get to learn what the responsibilities for each position are. Without our leaders working together there would be no lodge meetings to enjoy.
Please come to our January Cultural meeting where we will not only be installing our officers for the coming year, but we will enjoy your favorite soups. If you have a favorite soup recipe, please let us potentially make it our favorite as well by sampling it. We would like to have many of you bring a batch of your soup to the meeting to share with everyone. We will then take a poll of the favorite one among the entries and perhaps the winner will receive a prize and will have your recipe published in the February Tidende. After the sampling and voting is done we can enjoy a Sunday afternoon dinner consisting of the rest of the soups and some bread. Join in the fun but remember, our next three months of meetings will be held on Sunday afternoons beginning at 3:00 pm.