March Cultural Meeting

Nordic Hall - Scandinavian Living Center 206 Waltham Street, West Newton, MA, United States

At the cultural meeting on Sunday, March 5th, we will hear from Elsa Comiskey about the tradition of bunads from the different ‘fylker’ in Norway and look at how each county developed its own unique style.  Elsa Comiskey was born … Continued

Syttende mai Family Picnic

Nordic Hall - Scandinavian Living Center 206 Waltham Street, West Newton, MA, United States

Norumbega Lodge is once again hosting our annual Syttende mai family picnic on Saturday, May 2oth.  It will be held at the Scandinavian Cultural Center at 206 Waltham St., West Newton.  Click of the word flyer blow to get more … Continued

$5 – $15

June Cultural Meeting

Nordic Hall - Scandinavian Living Center 206 Waltham Street, West Newton, MA, United States

June 2nd at 7:30 PM -- Jordbaer-Fest Social In June Norumbega Lodge will meet one more time before our summer hiatus. Please join us on June 2nd for Jordbaer-Fest. We'd like folks to bring their favorite Strawberry delights to accompany … Continued

September Welcome Back Pot Luck Dinner

Nordic Hall - Scandinavian Living Center 206 Waltham Street, West Newton, MA, United States

Summer has taken a turn toward the fall months and that can only mean that Norumbega Lodge will begin meeting again on a monthly basis.  To kick it all off we are hosting our Annual Welcome Back Pot Luck Dinner … Continued

November Cultural Meeting

Nordic Hall - Scandinavian Living Center 206 Waltham Street, West Newton, MA, United States

L'Anse aux Meadows What is L’Anse aux Meadows? Where is it located? Is it a real historical place? Why is it important to Nordic and American History? These questions and more will hopefully be answered at our November cultural meeting.  … Continued

Welcome Back Supper

Nordic Hall - Scandinavian Living Center 206 Waltham Street, West Newton, MA, United States

We will be having our annual Welcome Back Dinner on Saturday September 7th in the Nordic Hall.  Please bring your favorite pot=luck main dish and/or either a side dish or dessert snack to share with everyone.  Drinks will be provided.  … Continued

October Cultural Meeting

Nordic Hall - Scandinavian Living Center 206 Waltham Street, West Newton, MA, United States

Learn about the incredible Norwegian Fjord, a breed of horse highly sought after as a partner in therapeutic services, due to its unique temperament and physique. Cindy Conquest of Easterseals Massachusetts will share the essential role the Norwegian Fjords play … Continued

Yulefest for voksne

Nordic Hall - Scandinavian Living Center 206 Waltham Street, West Newton, MA, United States

Save the date! Details to be determined.  Check back here for updates as plans are completed

January Cultural Meeting

NOTE: Please notice the day and time change for January through March Cultural Meetings.  We switch to Sunday afternoons, at 3:00, for these three months to allow for daytime driving. Our January meeting is a chance for you to come … Continued

February Cultural Meeting

Nordic Hall - Scandinavian Living Center 206 Waltham Street, West Newton, MA, United States

At the February 2nd Cultural meeting at 3:00 PM, we will see the movie "Amundsen the Greatest Expedition".  It is about Roald Amundsen, one of the greatest Norwegian explorers of all time. The first man to the south pole and … Continued